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Taviaxoxo Offline
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Name: Tavia
Age: 29
Gender: ♥ Princess
Location: Virginia

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Smile For the Boy Who Never Got Poetry or His Girlfriend... - May 11th 2013, 09:40 PM

Guys I did a thing!

Once upon a time,
There was a boy who was the sun,
and the girl who he shone for.
He would rise high in East,
and set low in the west,
while she counted her days by his rotations.

The mornings were marked
by his gentle glow,
And the evenings came
with the retraction of his light.

Once upon a time,
There was a girl who loved the sun,
For his fire,
Which could brighten or burn
the world.
The summer
singed with his warmth,
while the winter
wilted from his distance.

But those summer mornings,
He would rise
with the black paint smudges spreading thinner around him,
revealing in their absence,
another morning to live,
and her knowledge
that nightfall would come once more,
would fade with the pastels painting the skyline.

Twice upon time,
Rocks hurled toward the horizon,
Breaking nothing but breath
and blasphemy,
But hoping to shatter the sky
and catch the slipping rays of sunshine in cup of her hands.

She had discovered
the cruel magic in the choreography of the universe,
in which the sun would rise on pointe
and his fourth position fingertips
would her skin good morning.

the slow warmth that followed
proved to be
more than illusion,
her senses straining to amend
the stretch separating her
from the stage.

Too many evenings to count,
with her feet planted firmly
among the Earth’s grass roots,
stood a girl who loved the sun.
And like the stems that swirled around her ankles,
she learned to grow.

For all of the textbooks
and encyclopedias
the world had to offer,
didn’t dare put words to her hardest lesson.
All the secrets of the world,
were confined to the constellations of letters
and charted across the pages before her,
which explained everything,
except how to love something you can never hold.