Geez, Gareth.. I think we're on the same wave-length here, haha!
I was raised in a Roman Catholic school as well, however it was a private school.. Not public! I'm totally against private schools getting government funding.. That's ridiculous. -- There are some people in America who are mad that public schools aren't affiliated with any specific religion (for the most part).. And some say you get criticized if you show any outward signs of whatever religion you practice, in a public school.. however that was never the case at any of the public schools I went to after I left the private one I grew up at (because of bullying.. Ha! "We accept everyone! Treat others the way you would want to be treated!" -- bullshit.
I don't consider myself religious anymore either, and neither do half the people I went to the catholic school with.
(Side Note: I would have lost my mind if most public schools here were affiliated with the Catholic Church, so props to you for not completely losing it!
Do I think they should still be allowed to identify as being a certain religion? I think they should be allowed to, sure! But they shouldn't be recieving any government funding, and they shouldn't identify as a public school.. And if they do identify as a public school and recieve government funding, there should be other options school-wise for kids in the same district to go to, so they don't have to be put in a religious setting if they don't want to, or their parents don't want them to be. No one should be forced into learning about/practicing a religion they don't whole-heartidly believe in. Bottom line.
It's one thing to offer a religion course, or even to require a world-religions class to be taken to graduate or whatever, to have that educational portion.. But as for the affiliation with one specific religion? I don't think it's a good idea. It's just grounds for discrimination against people who don't identify with that specific religion, and a waste of time for those people as well who are forced to go there when there are no other options school-wise.
I don't know, just my thoughts. (: