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Name: Brandon
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Re: Explain your religion to me! - May 6th 2013, 06:35 PM

I'm an Agnostic Theist.

Basically, an Agnostic Theist is someone who believes in some kind of supernatural being, but doesn't believe that there's any way of knowing. How can this be possible?

All these scientific discoveries could very well be discoveries on how a supernatural being created the universe. For instance, the big bang could've been created by a supernatural being. Evolution...supernatural being. Gravity? Super-natural being. Everything in the scientific world could've been created by a supernatural being. Therefore, science can't disprove the existence of a supernatural being; perhaps it could disprove a religion some point in the future, but not really the existence of a super-natural being unless it specifically disproves the existence of any supernatural being (which all I gotta say is "good luck with that.") Until that time comes, there's no way of knowing whether the existence of a super-natural being is true or not as it hasn't been proven or disproven. Because an Agnostic doesn't believe there is any proof, all proof lies within themselves; this means that what you believe is true is true to you, but you know that what you feel is the truth isn't necessarily the whole truth in the universe until it has been proven true. However, just because you may believe in something and it hasn't been proven true doesn't mean it's not going to be proven true. As long as there is a possibility of a supernatural being existing, there is still a possibility that your belief is true. So that's how you can believe in a supernatural being without knowing for sure, and that's what I believe. Fo sho.