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Algernon Offline
CPT-1 Phlebotomist
Outside, huh?
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Name: Holly
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Location: Roseville, California

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Join Date: January 21st 2009

Re: Religion: What Were You Raised As? - April 2nd 2009, 08:19 PM

My turn.

I was raised in a home where God existed, but I didn't know anything about him. I think it's because my mom was a drug addict/sold so my environment wasn't great. When she finally got caught I went to a receiving home, ended up in foster care with my grandma. When my mom came back, she put her trust in God again. I didn't want to believe her and follow God or go to church. One day she made me go to a Christian camp/retreat up in Chico. I came back a believer, I saw too much happen that couldn't be explained by anything else but God.

I'm a nondenominational Christian. I learn what I can, fight for what I believe with an open-mind. I'm quite liberal, but I take the bible seriously and not the churches beliefs. I'm not perfect, but I have a strong foundation on God.

Geek? Nerd? More like intellectual badass.

"You ran through Africa, and Asia, and Indonesia.. And now I've found you, and I love you. I want to know your name."