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Re: Is this normal for someone who has depression? - April 26th 2013, 03:39 PM

Originally Posted by YoungK9 View Post
Ok,I realize,that I get annoyed really easy,& I snap really easy.

Also I try to bring people down,make them sad. Then it just cause them to become angry with me.

Also, I feel like at school, everyone hates me,that everyone is aganist

Still having suicidal thoughts, waking up having those thoughts,self harm.
Extremely depressed right now suicidal...
Wow, Hollie made a really good and informative post

As Hollie said, I too also have a problem with anger. What you could do, is every time you get angry stop and think about what made you angry. If you know your triggers, it's easier to remove yourself from the situation or completely steer clear of them.

As far as bringing people down goes. I think that if you say something nice every time you're about to say something mean it could work.

That seems like a feeling of anxiety. I used to feel that way. If someone did as much as laugh I would think they were laughing at me The only thing I can think of for this subject is to just block them out. Its hard not to care what other people think, but they probably aren't laughing at you. I don't think they hate you, either. If you see someone acting badly towards you, maybe they had a bad day; maybe they're laughing at a text message or something. I'm not sure if you're being bullied but if you are, you should tell an adult.

If clarity's in death, then why won't this die?
Years of tearing down our banners, you and I
Living for the thrill of hitting you where it hurts
Give me back my girlhood, it was mine first

The axe forgets, but the tree remembers