Thread: Period Stories?
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Re: Period Stories? - April 23rd 2013, 11:52 PM

I don't think I have too many embarrassing stories! Only one really! My dad would always go out and get my mom pads and my sister's in her twenties now so he's probably used to it, so the whole guy thing doesn't apply as much to me. My friends and I have also fully talked about our periods around our guy friend and it only made things a bit awkward for him since he can't relate, but he wasn't skeeved out or anything.

In the seventh grade my period was kind of irregular so I didn't expect to be getting it when I did. I got it at the very end of math class but our substitute teacher was a male so I basically just sat there with it until gym class next period. I put my laptop in their storage cases and approached my teacher, and it was the most embarrassing thing in the world. I was basically saying how I had to go to the nurse because I got my period and should call my mom or something for new underwear because I didn't feel overly comfortable changing with bloody underwear. It was really awkward but she sent me so I got a pad, didn't get new underwear or anything but I changed in one of the bathroom stalls so nobody would see me. Then afterwards she asked me if I was all right.

Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive