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Re: What proof do you want? And in turn, what proof do you have? -
April 2nd 2009, 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by ThereIsHope
So, a lot of times, when religion is mentioned, especially on TeenHelp, there are people that demand proof at every single debate. And that's not a bad thing, but if I'm arguing for Christianity and you're arguing that there is no god, now it's your turn to prove it. No, I can't prove with scientific facts that God is, indeed, real, but neither can you prove that he's not real.
I've heard that Christians are delusional. I've heard it said that Christians are crazy or insane for praying because it's just them "talking to no one". I've heard brainwashing. Speaking in tongues being of demons. All kinds of things.
Proof? Prove that there is no god. Prove that faith isn't the answer. Prove that you're right and every Christian in the world and I are wrong.
Faith and hope aren't the answer. If you want something to change, you either actually have yourself do something in order for that to change or everything will pretty much stay the same. You do things to change things.
Lack of evidence to justify your god shows your believes are but well found and blind.
We experience life within the realm of possible/logical/reasonable. Supposedly, anyway. Something that can't have it's way rationalized from creation to what it is at the given moment shouldn't/can't 'be'.
God itself, as a being listenning to everyone's prayers at the same time, watching all and so all knowing, can't 'be'. There's no way you can rationalized such a thing.
We all know why church was first created, and before that, ancient Greek gods etc, and even in ancient Greece they were a refference to human qualities themselves, and occasionally used to explain phenomenons which, at the time, were unexplainable.
Church was a lie to have pedo ministers get rich out of people's ignorance. Their constant fight against the growth science has had throughout the years was to still be able to control people with their crap. Prevent them from listenning to reason or anything other than unfundamented and meaningless book writtings. And well science tore the base of religion appart; yet, many people still defend the existance of god.
You simply don't see how fake it is cuz you chose not to. Cuz it's easier to be ignorant.
You can verify yourself this ignorance and blindness.
One simple over-used question:
-If there's a god, why are there loads of children starving to death all over the world?
''God surely has a bigger plan for them'' or ''Test of faith.'' or whatever excuse they give to get away from the conversation and not think about it at all.
Same as saying ''Cuz, that's why.''
I could explain this starvation issue and, other than pretend I care in order to look good like many do, and like 'good-seeking' religions do, I can just say I couldn't care less about people dying throughout the world. Kinda OT, but by not being religious you get to not pretend to care about things you don't!
Seriously, just by trying to 'explain' your god you are able to transmit how full of crap you are.
And from here, it stops being about religion itself, and about this level of idiocy.
The search for a life meaning has always been present. To justify it in an impossible lie is but a display of ignorance, mainly after that lie's been verified as such several times now.
Sure you may think you need to find a purpose for your existance, but rather admit and accept you don't know than believing in something which lacks arguments to sustain itself.