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Gram Negative Offline
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Re: What proof do you want? And in turn, what proof do you have? - April 2nd 2009, 05:42 AM

Originally Posted by pastor_of_youth View Post
The thing that Christ did tell us to put above anything was ourselves as Christians. On dealing with faith, yes that is important, but something greater than that is love which is what I hope us Christians get across on this site. We knew what it was like to be without Christ and know what it's like with Christ and there is a difference. You're right that Christ never told us to back down. Anyone who knows anything about Christ knows He didn't back down, even to the death on the cross when He could have prevented that. He didn't even back down from death because He rose three days later and there are witnesses for that also.
Where exactly does it say that you should put faith above everything?

Just because Christ didn't back down doesn't mean you should ignore everything that is logical, rational, and backed up by concrete empirical evidence. Do not compare your situation with Christ; the two have nothing in common with each other. There are Christian Scientists that ignore medicine and let their kids die. You are following the same logic when it comes to ignoring scientific ideas that contradict your beliefs.

And please don't start with the witnesses. The majority of the Bible isn't accepted even in philosophical classes as a reliable source unless of course parts of it are supported by independent sources from history.