Originally Posted by pastor_of_youth
What about a Creation vs. Evolution discussion? Non-Christians could state there belief on how the Earth was created and Christians could back up their beliefs on how God created the earth. The sensitive thing here is to not jump on other beliefs. This will be just a this is what we believe thread and hopefully we can keep up with each other as far as topics go.
Except it seems both sides will use completely different parameters.
I have spent entire threads talking about basic scientific principles that have nothing to do with evolution. That is how rediculous it gets. How am I supposed to debate evolution when the people I talk to don't know what a hypothesis is, a theory, how the scientific method works, where new hypotheses come from, etc.
Originally Posted by suniesha
I'm not making excuses, 1 it's true and 2 it dumb cuz ppl r gonna argue and argue and argue and hey, how bout some more arguing to the point where it turnes into a full circle cuz everyones gonna believe what they believe.
Is it true because the Bible says it's true?