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Name: Nat
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Re: Religion: What Were You Raised As? - April 2nd 2009, 12:50 AM

1. I was brought up with no religion and a fairly open mind to other peoples' beliefs. We still celebrated Easter and Christmas, but only the presents and chocolate aspects of it :P I was never really certain of what my parents believed until I was much older, and they seem to have undecided views.

2. I am an atheist because I'm a very factual and visual based person. I grew up with no belief and my parents never forced me into anything. I believe in science and evolution now that I am more educated. I have nothing against other peoples' beliefs, and I don't mind the practice of any faith as long as it's positive towards others.
The great artists of our time are the ones who created something timeless. But it was never them defining it that way.
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