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bitesize Offline
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Unhappy bit long but PLEASE help: Should I stay in a college course that I love, but isn't the career I want? - April 6th 2013, 11:30 AM

I graduated in September from University with a BA in Italian, with Psychology. I love Psychology and I've wanted to continue studying in it for nearly 3 years - although I don't know yet what exact field.

In September I started a further education course in Performing Arts. You can do the course for one year, or three years, and I planned to do one year before continuing with Psychology. But I fell in love. With my classmates and with the classes.

I don't want to be an actor. I love acting but I don't want it as my main career plan - it's too unstable, and I lack the confidence and the natural talent that you need to be able to be successful with it, which is all the harder when you live on a tiny island like Ireland. (Damn you Robert Sheehan and Jack Reynor...!!)

Factors swaying me: All my classmates are going on to do the next two years, and I hate the thought of them continuing on without me. We're like a little family and after three years of being achingly lonely&depressed in University I can't stand the thought of starting a new course and possibly having to go through that again. I've already come such a long way and I feel like the other two years could really be good for my acting skills. The course is affordable and close.

However, if I did these two years I'd finish the course at 24 and have a level 7 certificate, but be no closer to beginning my career. I have to do at least another 4-5 years of Psychology before I can actually launch into my career and that means I'd be nearly 30, which is a frustrating thought - it's already annoying talking to friends who graduated with me and are out working in the big wide world, not tied down by college work and feckin Shakespeare essays. But then again shouldn't my twenties be my chance to do something I love for a couple of years?

I'm sorry this is long but it's something I'm completely torn over. Completely - I mean I'm asking people I've never met on the internet to help with this decision. ANY opinions would be such a help. ANY. Any!!

Honey, you're familiar, like my mirror, years ago
I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door
Níl a shíltear mar a bhítear.
Things are not always what they seem.