Yay, lol.
My condition is Aniridia. So I've had a bunch of transplants (even the artificial cornea), stem cells, cataracts, blablabla, lol.
And yeah, I've heard of those types of camps and been to a few, sounds like fun
And yeah, I only go on them when I really need something off campus, like a prescription, or an appointment, or something...But I'm moving to a really big city in a month so I am going to have to get a lot of practice then with busses and subways, haha.
Yeah, I've participated in Goalball so I have met lots of people with guide dogs.
Its fun to meet them and talk to their owners. I love animals. And yeah, the pony thing is kind of unrealistic unless you lived in a very small town your whole life, but I just find it kind of cool, aha.