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Hugh Jackman ♥

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Re: Post the last thing to make you LOL. (Part 2) - March 30th 2013, 05:57 AM

One of my friends decided to post an early April Fool's prank on Facebook. He said something along these lines:

"I just found out that if you accidentally type your password in a Facebook post or comment, it will be automatically turned into the * symbol.
See?! Cool!"

In the first comment, someone else had typed ******, and in their second comment, they also talked about how cool it was.

Now, I didn't actually know it was an April Fool's prank... but since I was born on April Fool's Day, I was well aware of the approaching "holiday" (and the possibility of it being a prank). I called him out on it. Within a few minutes, three things happened: my friend got mad at me for ruining the prank, one of his cousins actually fell for it and posted her password, and my friend deleted everything (he's now alternating between "it was worth it" and "I feel horrible for doing it").

Oh, and speaking of April Fool's pranks, guess what I'm going to give my boyfriend next year? (Can't do it this year, because I live 100+ miles away from him and have class all day.)

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