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florallove Offline
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Exclamation HELP!! Am I Pregnant ??? - March 20th 2013, 09:37 PM

so i had sex Feb 23 for the first time in 7 months. We used a condom and he only came once and it was early but he wasnt in me when he did. he washed up and put on another one and he never came again before we finished. i have been trying to track my periods and the days it should come on and i thought it would start on the 12 of march but it didnt. I usually have symptoms before my period comes on which includes a little cramping, lower back pain, soft stool (poop) and sore breasts. i was getting all of those symptoms except sore breast but it never came on. Everyday i was having those symptoms plus some water/white discharge. It was so much of it and im still gettin it now. Ive been rushing to the bathroom thinking it was my period each time but it was just the discharge. Ive been worrying so much because i thought my period wouldve came on by now but it hasnt. I tried to track many months back and am now realizing that it should probably come on this week but im having no symptoms! just slight cramping every now and then and alot of discharge. I havent had sex in so long so i havent been trying to pay attention to my periods but this is really scaring me. In Feb. i started gymnastics and it has taken a toll on my body! ive also been stressed out about my SAT i just took two weekends ago. it seems so unlikely for me to be pregnant but i dont have an understanding why all of this has been happening. I have been so scared and stressing out really bad since last week and i dont know what to do
p.s. im not on the pill. help me anyone!!!