Re: Religion and Public Schools -
March 20th 2013, 03:57 PM
Well, the problem is that most people cannot be objective about it which is why this rule exists because little kids are impressionable so they don't want a teacher telling the little kids what the right way to believe is. For example, if a 7 year old kid came up to you and said Ms. Teacher, is there a God, well, according to you there is, but it's not really your place to teach them what to believe.. But you could say something "I believe that there is a god, but there are many different beliefs in the world and that it is also ok to believe in a different god than i believe in or to even believe in no god at all because there is no one right answer" or be like "well, what do you think about it, do you think there might be a god" and let them answer and then talk to them about it within their own world view. Yes, that might be contrary to what you believe IF you believe in the philosophy of strict monotheism... Religion has typically been the domain of the family and in a setting where people are not taught all the same values as you it is necessary to tread carefully, it's one thing if your teaching within your religios community (like a Catholic or Jewish school) but in a public school you have to be objective.
I do think that you should be able to talk about religion if it is asked about,,... but I do think you have to be objective and make sure you help them understand it within their own world view without giving a skewed view of what you believe... Like for example, I am an atheist but I am fully capable of discussing Christianity, belief in god and the Bible with people to the point where I can quote the bible, Like i can use a Christian framework, not an atheistic one, if someone came to me wanting to discuss their beliefs... But a lot of people can't or don't want to do that...
Feel free to PM me if you ever need to chat or have questions 