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Lamia Offline
Snake Goddess
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Name: Katherine
Age: 29
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Ahzidal: A poem in the language of the Dov. - March 20th 2013, 01:54 AM

Aus Amativ, Ahzidal. Ah do Faad, Feyn do Brii. Fel, Fo, Faas.

(Suffer onward, Bitter Destroyer. Hunter of Warmth, bane of beauty. Feral, Frost, Fear.)

Jul Fent Draal ahst hin Buld, Bolog fah hin Aaz, nuz nust fen Dir Koreid hin Jot.

(Men shall pray at your form, beg for your mercy, but they will die inside your maw.)

Hi los Dinok, Ahzidal, Aar do Alduin. Ful Hi Fent kos, Erei Dinoksetiid.

(You are death, Bitter Destroyer, slave of Alduin. So you shall be, until the end of the world.)

Hi los Duraan, Ahzidal, Duraan wah Aam, Neh wah Mu'ul. Dov, nuz Stin-ni.

(You are cursed, Bitter Destroyer, cursed to serve, never to rule. Dragonkind, but not free.)

Shows how much of a nerd I am, I guess. This was just an idea I had, for possibly some sort of writing or something that one might find in Skyrim.
