Re: Extremely alone, and bullied by the kids who have it ALL. -
March 19th 2013, 02:47 AM
I am so terribly sorry you are in this situation. I am going though a similar one.
In my drama class, no one cares about me. They all prance around with their friends and lead roles. I know they talk about me when I'm not around. They do it to everyone. I have no friends in that class. And the friend I do have, I get into trouble with his girlfriend for even breathing the same air as him. She'd probably murder me if go to lunch with him again. (long story). I feel worthless, and like it wouldn't matter if I was there or not. But anyway, I'm alone too. I understand a little of what you re going though.
But no matter what, have hope. Things will always get better. You'll graduate. You'll leave these people in the dust. They will be a distant memory. You'll fly while they fall. Just don't loose hope.
There is a book called Night. I just fished reading it. It is a memoir about a boy who endured the holocaust. He lost faith in God, and questioned why God would let such horrible things happen. But he never lost hope, and he got out alive. He is now famous, and was even interviewed by Oprah.
Moral of the story: Don't loose hope. God does these things to test us. To see how strong we are. You are strong. I believe in you. The last thing I want you to do is die. You cannot die. There are people who love you. You just have to find them. Like Chris said, try first. You may fail, but you could also succeeded. Don't just jump to failing. If you try hard enough, anything is possible. Even flying. I'm sure if someone tried hard enough, we cold fly, time travel, teleport, etc. It's all about faith and hope.
PS: Did you consider changing schools? Or telling an adult what happened?