Re: Dating a bisexual girl -
March 18th 2013, 03:20 PM
That's what I've always thought, like if I was going to cheat on someone it's because my morals/ethics don't tell me that this is something that's wrong, and it's not because I can't be bothered to be faithful... And if I started dating a girl it's not because my last ex "turned me gay" (I've heard that one too), it's because I was attracted to both genders to begin with and it is by no means a smack on his manhood... I think a person can be attracted to "manly men" and "girly girls" without it being like some smack on their masculinity/femininity to be able to transition from one to the other (and I mean dating 1 guy then breaking up and dating 1 girl, not cheating)... I'm just not sure why some people get this idea that it's some how a threat... Like for example, I'd never cheat on a guy (ever) nor would I cheat and be like "well, it was with a girl so it doesn't really count" cause actually it does given my capacity to be attracted to both genders and given our cultures expectation of emphasizing monogamy, if I wanted to be able to go with multiple people and date around I wouldn't commit to a relationship to begin with (not that I am really the sleep around type but that's not my point so much as I am using myself as an example of my point haha)... I think that the idea that "playing for both teams" makes a person a threat or that the person is going to make their partner insecure in someway is ridiculous... I honesty wouldn't care if I had a girl/boyfriend who was bi, I'd just trust they were faithful to me and leave it at that
Feel free to PM me if you ever need to chat or have questions