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mindflower Offline
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Name: taylor
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Re: Say something you wish you could say to their face. - March 18th 2013, 01:20 AM

Matt: I love you.... so much. I let you kiss me and fool around with me because I just hope it gives me a little advantage, so maybe sometime, when Z and M don't come back to you, we can be together..... maybe.....
C: I love you as so many feelings.... but I don't think you really want me back. You saved my life, but I'm just scared of hurting you again. I think I love Matt, and I don't want to lead you on.....
M: I'm sorry, I've lead you on so much. I hope you're happy with whatever guy or girl you end up with, really <3 I wish you could see how happy Matt makes me feel, and that I just need him. I'm so sorry.
Z: I'm sorry for the things Matt has put you through, and I hope you're happy with W, but please, don't keep leading Matt on. I really love him.
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