Dating a bisexual girl -
March 17th 2013, 07:31 PM
So I have labelled this for guys, but it's ok who ever answers.
So I generally just chalk myself up to being a bisexual. I've never dated a girl or even developed a serious interest but that's because by the time i came to terms with this i was in a sabbatical on dating. i'm just not interested in anyone right now, male or female, but I am finding to be sexually/romantically= attracted to both genders... just not to any one person in specific... just so that you all understand where i am coming from.
So I heard that some guys are threatened by bisexual girls. Something about them being worried the girl will leave them and there is twice as many people to leave them for or something like that. I was just wondering if this is true? No one really knows that I am bi, mostly because I odn't feel the need to define myself by my sexuality, it honestly kind of bothers me when you meet someone and they're practically like "Hi I'm Linny, I'm gay" and it's like ... uh... thats nice, did i really need to know that already? it's partially societies fault though with the uhm heteronormalizing? I think that's the right word, where you just assume everyone is heterosexual, so I just don't feel the need to tell people unnecessarily, if it was relevant then I would... Ok so semantics aside, I was wondering what people really feel about this....
Feel free to PM me if you ever need to chat or have questions