I really don't feel comfortable writing about this so i on this account i am using a fake name. Here is the problem:
Whenever i think about a pacifier, sometimes see a pacifier my penis just suddenly decides to spring up. About 3 times i though resolving this issue was to buy a packet and have a pacifier when i am alone in my room. The erection was very bad and a bit painful. On the hand what is strange is i like the pacifier in my mouth as it feels good but my penis thinks otherwise and considers it as a sexual trigger. The erections are starting to stop as i try to persuade myself it is weird and not right. I hate having these erections and want to know how to stop. I do not want any answers about "accepting it" and how it could spice up sex life later when i am older. It is a very strange way to spice up and i think girls will get turned off by this. I am a normal guy who likes girls and is socially stable but this is really annoying now.
So what can i do to stop this from happening?
one more thing: do not tell me to not think about it as it is very hard seeing babies nearly everywhere i go.
As i am writing this i have an erection.

Thanks for any good help.