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dragomir_the_DRAGONSLAYER Offline
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March 5th 2013, 07:07 PM

Originally Posted by Mitch View Post
You would be breaking some serious laws if Serbia (many countries for that matter...) was in a state of war. You are a cowardly, it shows in all your posts.
You call me a coward??
I've suffered a lot in my life and I have never shed a tear!!!
I was abandoned and left do die, but I survived!!!
You most are most probably one of the internet warriors who act like they posses all knowledge of this world, but if war ever happened there in Australia (or anywhere else), people like you would die first!
I prepare my brother for worst possible situations. I teach him how to fight, use a rifle, a knife.
I want him to grow into a person who can take care of himself.
Not some fat nerd who hides behind monitor and calls people who survived that chaos cowards.
My previous posts were about my friends and a little prank that has gone wrong.
You people in the west are too sensitive. Just like that emo girl we pranked.

Originally Posted by owlcity:) View Post
Naw.. Give him milk, it makes his bones strong!
My dad drank a lot when he was young from his dad and got addicted. That and smoking. He was addicted to smoking by the time he was 14. Really 6 is too young. If there was a war he wouldn't be fighting, people would fight to keep him safe, and either way alcohol would not help at all.
I give him milk everyday. He will be as tall as me one day

Last edited by Lizzie; March 5th 2013 at 07:40 PM. Reason: Merge