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dragomir_the_DRAGONSLAYER Offline
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Re: Shall I continue giving my brother alcohol? - March 4th 2013, 06:35 PM

What do you know?
Do you know how horrible war is for little children? I survived it and the key to stay alive is to be prepared for everything.
I was hiding in a wine basement while the enemy soldiers were searching the house. My mother was pregnant and in concentration camp, my father,grandfathers and uncles were fighting on the other side of the country.
Like I said... I was trapped and I could only drink wine in order to survive.
If my grandpa didn't get me used to alcohol, I wouldn't survive. I was there for 5 days and I was only drinking wine and eating some rice I found. I was later rescued when town was liberated from that scum.
I was only 6 then!
You never experienced a war and you don't know what you must be prepared to in order to survive.
I'm not only teaching him to drink alcohol, I also teach him some basics of combat, how to shoot and all that...
He's my brother and I want him to be strong and ready!