Re: At what age is it acceptable to start dating? -
March 1st 2013, 04:17 PM
I would say around 14, it depends on the person though. Loads of kids have little crushes and stuff, but the 11 year olds I know definitely definintely do not "date" like we think of it, they might go to a movie or hold hands but it's rarely long term or "serious", 12-13 year olds are more likely to have a better grasp, but they usually aren't really going to do anything serious or what ever. I think part of my opinion comes from whether or not you can actually go on a date. Parents are more likely to monitor kids who are under 13 more closely but a kid who's 14 or so is more likely to be allowed to go on a date with out it being a big deal. And I think hormones and puberty factors in and by 14 most people have at least started puberty where as at 11 or 12 it's not as common. Any ways it is circumstantial and I don't really consider it an "appropriate time" but it's just when I think it's more common, if a 12 year old kids wants to go to a movie with a kids well, thats fine, but I think I'd have to make it clear that I wouldn't expect it to be serious, but that's a whole other matter.
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