Help!! What are the chances that I'm pregnant? -
February 23rd 2013, 02:34 PM
Hi, guys. I'm 18 and sexually active with my boyfriend. We ALWAYS use condoms and we ALWAYS check for breaks/tears when we're done. (Yes, we know they're not 100% effective.)
I am currently 4 days late on my period. I'm a bit worried, but I've been late before. I'm trying to relax myself, because I know stress makes it late. My cycles are usually 26-29 days but I've had 33-35 day cycles before. My periods last for about 8 days.
We haven't had sex since Valentine's Day because we've been sick. I've been extremely sick since August with something that's like Mono, but cannot be diagnosed (I've had multiple tests). This month, I have been on Levaquin and Azithromycin. I know that medicines can throw off your cycle. I've also lost/gained back [EDITED] pounds due to being sick and my physical activity has been lessened because Levaquin can cause Tendinitis. I haven't participated in PE at school for about a month. When I was sick, I couldn't eat very much. Now that I'm feeling better, my appetite has come back. I know that all these things can affect my cycle. Also, I am not on BC. I have talked to my doctor about it, though.
I'm also a little concerned because my boyfriend and I went for two rounds a couple weeks ago and a little while after he took the first condom off and it started to get heated again, I touched him "down there"/gave him oral and later on while having sex, I started touching myself/putting fingers in, in between positions (which guys like, apparently). I know it's a long shot, but I'm a worry-wart.
My breasts usually feel tender/heavy the week before my period, but they only started doing that two days ago, when I was two days late. I've also been having light cramping and clearish discharge. I usually get discharge the day before my period that makes me think I've gotten it.
I could use some reassurance.
Thank you!
Last edited by Coffee.; February 24th 2013 at 08:08 PM.
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