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Re: Rape -
February 21st 2013, 09:27 PM
Hey there,
Firstly, I am sorry about what happened. I know that there are no magical words that can make it better though. Secondly, I think that sometimes people think that if you were not the one abused you haven't been affected by it but the fact is that the family members and friends can be affected by it as well. So, no matter what other people might be saying I believe what you are feeling is completely normal. I know that my family felt the aftermath of my abuse and are still dealing with it, you know? Yes, there are going to be friends that are not helpful but that doesn't make what you are going through any less real.
I think that counseling would be a great help to you; I understand you worries regarding it but in the end I think most counselors would be able to help you work out your feelings. It might take time to start trusting the person but once you do start trusting them you could really work on the feelings you are having. A counselor can hear what you are saying and help you find the tools to cope with it.
I think talking to your parents could be a great way to handle it however there is a chance they will not be receptive to that so go into that with caution. So, maybe you could try talking to them and explain to them that you are struggling with what happened to your sister and then see if they are willing to talk to you about it. Start out with baby steps and go from there. Maybe you could write down what you want to say so you don't get flustered and forget what you want to say. Also, if other family members know what have happened maybe you could try approaching them? A cousin you are close to or an aunt?
I hope that this helped and if you need anything please feel free to PM/VM me.