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Always * Offline
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Re: My closest classmate dropped out of college. :( - February 21st 2013, 08:57 PM

Its possible that she was just to unhappy in the course and struggling to much to see it through. It happens a lot and she might not have wanted to complain to the rest of you to much for fear that you guys wouldn't understand if she tried to explain. As someone who *almost* dropped out of college I know it can be embarrassing for people to explain why especially when you are trying to convince yourself to stay--she might not want to have talked to much and made herself more upset about it and such. And now that she's dropped out she probably is feeling insecure and not ready to talk about WHY. You could try messaging her and explaining to her that you would like to know why she dropped out, but that if she doesn't want to talk about it that's fine and you won't ask about it for now, let her know that you don't want to lose her as a friend just cause you guys aren't in school together and ask her to reply. It might help if she knows she won't have to explain her actions until before she is ready to; she might be in a panic about what to do with her life or just not over her choice, who knows, but often leaving people to their own devices in these cases tends to be a good course of action.

Feel free to PM me if you ever need to chat or have questions