Hey all,
For a while now my girlfriend has been having constant pains in different areas of her body, as well as unusual symptoms and we both don't know why. Pains/symptoms have included:
*Extreme pains in back, neck, ribs, wrists, shoulders head, and hips
*Low blood pressure
*Low carbs/sugar
*Low electrolite count
*Dizzy spells
*Unable to get decent sleep, therefore is always exhausted
*Occassional shakeyness
Now she was involved in a car accident a few years back and hit her head on the dashboard. We have thought that perhaps she has a concussion, but would a concussion cause all of these things? She eats and drinks(not to a huge degree, but enough to keep her at normal levels) It's very scary to watch. We could just be watching a movie, and her body will have a shock go through her and she starts to shake. Other times she'll have random spasms and it is obvious that it hurts her, and the worst part is I have to sit there and watch it as I don't know what to do.

Unfortunately, not only do we not know what is going on, but we both are minors, and her mother is unwilling to take her to a doctor to get her looked at. I have no idea what to do, but she's been having these things for a while and it's depressing her. Does anyone have any thoughts on what could be happening? I'm desperate and will do just about anything to help her. We want to figure out what's causing this, and find a cure for it all ASAP.
EDIT: I looked more up, and is it possible that she has Myofascial pain syndrome(MPS)?