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Whats the best way to start getting into the dating game?? -
November 28th 2011, 12:07 AM
Well Ive never been in a relationship. Ive never had a girlfriend nor have I had sex. I not awkward around women, I just have never felt it was the right time to get into things, weither it be family and stuff I have always put other things first. Whats the best way to start asking women out?? Im a college student who lives at home right now and Im unemployed at the moment as my job is seasonal. Im not a bad looking guy, I have just never found the right way to get into it? Please help !!
Re: Whats the best way to start getting into the dating game?? -
November 28th 2011, 01:18 AM
For now, just start off as friends and be social. Get to know some girls and then find one who you could see yourself dating. Then, ask her on a date. Its best to have some conversations so that you can get to know each other rather then just asking out a random girl. You sound confident, which is always a good thing. Just be friendly and don't stress too much about asking girls out. Dating should be fun, it shouldn't be stressful.
And here you are living, despite it all. Lead Moderator | Disputes Committee | HelpLINK Mentor
Re: Whats the best way to start getting into the dating game?? -
November 28th 2011, 02:21 AM
To be honest, Its the way they talk to me like hey bro! Aye dude. Like they intentionally address me with emphasis on those words. I just think I suck at flirting hahaha
Re: Whats the best way to start getting into the dating game?? -
November 28th 2011, 02:25 AM
Well that doesn't necessarily mean that they don't see you as boyfriend material Have you tried asking any of them to go on a date? Never know until you try
And here you are living, despite it all. Lead Moderator | Disputes Committee | HelpLINK Mentor
Re: Whats the best way to start getting into the dating game?? -
November 28th 2011, 06:44 AM
Originally Posted by Lars
I asked one of em out senior year to an icecream parlor and she invited a bunch of friends without me knowing -_-
She probably did this because she was nervous, and in a group, things are less likely to be awkward.
As Nicole said, I would start off as being friends first, and getting to know people. Don't try to jump into the dating scene right away. I always think that friends make the best relationships (my boyfriend and I were friends for 2.5 years before we started dating, and we've been together for nearly 3 years now).
I may wear the glass slippers; But my hero wears combat boots <3 I love you, Lieutenant
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