Dating a pansexual male who's used to gay relationships? -
October 11th 2011, 09:39 PM
Hi! I'm a pansexual female and I'm dating a pansexual male that has only been in gay relationships until me. We're in a long-term monogamous relationship and I need help and advice with a few concerns of mine.
He's told me he's been in gay relationships for about 10 years and I'm his first girlfriend. He had a fear of women before because he was raped by a woman when he was a child, but has learned that girls are not all that bad since I've come into his life. Our relationship has been a bit rocky due to my insecurities and doubt that I'm not compatible for him since I don't have a male bit that could fulfill his same-sex urges.
He get these intense cravings and urges to be sexually fulfilled from the same-sex where he becomes physically unattracted to me yet still romantically attracted. I'm more than willing to 'peg' to help alleviate such urges, but he's being stubborn atm. He tells me he misses doing this or that sexually with another male and that he had fun and was happy exploring his more "gay side".
How can I cope and deal with his urges and lack of sexual attraction to me? Any suggestions?
Is there a chance our monogamous relationship won't work if I can't fulfill his urges?
I understand I'm the first girl he's been romantically and sexually involved with so I thought that maybe time and patience would alleviate some of these concerns?
Last edited by NewsFly; October 11th 2011 at 09:48 PM.