I got into my first relationship in august 2023, we agreed to be exclusive. Things moved quickly and I lost my virginity to him in late September. There were promises of a future together, moving in etc (I am now much less naive and understand that relationships and love take a long time to build) The following day I found pictures of other girls that he knew, and a suspicious conversation between him and a close friend of his. I told him to leave and he did the following day, and I never saw him again

I realised I didn't know the person I thought I knew. He knew the particular close friend from the internet and has known her for years and years, but the conversations I saw suggested they were recently in some kind of unspoken, somewhat intimate relationship only a few months before. I also found out it had been on and off for years, with plans to meet up months before we got together that got cancelled for reasons out of their control, otherwise it would have gone ahead. I found out about numerous other ''relationships'' he had that didn't have a label. It was a big reality shock to realise that I wasn't actually particularly special to him. He wasn't treating me very well, and he was dishonest. I realised he had been dishonest in many ways, big ways. I didn't recognise myself anymore and sunk further into a depression, and then he broke up with me in early December

Ever since then things had been really hard for me to come to terms with, until I learned how to forgive everyone who has done something wrong towards me and love them no matter what (I am a Christian), I felt I could try to be friends with him as we have the potential to be good friends. I was only just starting to recover until I found out the other day that he has been in a committed relationship with someone who he treats a lot better the last few weeks, with a girl who was watching/waiting for our relationship fall apart. He told her he loves her which I hadn't heard from him in a long time, and I have been crying ever since. I haven't let it impact our friendship now, but I haven't stopped thinking about him since I lost my virginity to him, I've thought about him every day. I can't imagine feeling this way about anyone else, and I feel like a failure in a way for not being able to keep the person that I gave myself to (my virginity has always meant a lot to me)