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Unregistered April 24th 2023 10:30 PM

Crush Problem
[FONT=""][COLOR=""][SIZE=""][FONT=""][COLOR=""][SIZE=""]I have a huge crush on this boy I'll call him Peter here. Peters really cute and awesome and we're pretty good friends. But there's a problem I'm also best friends with his sister. And me and this sister talk about this boy casually and she has no idea how I feel about him. I've been thinking that he has a crush on his girl best friend for a while now but last week his sister confirmed that he does!!! 😫😫
At least I know this girl best friend doesn't like him, YET. She likes Peter and his sisters other brother. Yeah its a big family. And so I get anxiety and stuff about this situation a lot. I've never told anyone about any of it and no one knows how I feel about him. I can't talk to my siblings because they're all little kids, not my parents because we're not that close, not my youth group leaders because they're Peters parents, thereof and counseling is not an option for me. The only place I vent about this is in my diary. So either help me with who else I should tell, or tell my how to tell my best friend Im crazy about her older brother. HELP!!!![/size][/color][/font][/size][/color][/font]

¯|_(ツ)_|¯ April 25th 2023 02:04 AM

Re: Crush Problem

I'm moving your thread to Relationships & Dating because it fits better there. :)

I think it's okay if you tell your friend about this if you feel safe to do so. You don't have to explain too much about it. You can say something like "I wanted to tell you something and be honest with you. I have had feelings for your brother for a while. I know that he has a crush on someone else and I will respect that, but I thought you should know how I feel about him." Your friend may have questions or comments for you, but hopefully she will react well to the news.

You said you can't tell your parents because you're not that close and that's definitely okay, but what about an aunt or cousin that you trust, if you're close to them? Or, is there a teacher you can talk to after school about this? Some of them are really good at giving advice and have seen or heard about what you're going through from other teenagers that they've worked with during their careers.

It's great that you have a diary to vent in too though! Writing things out can be really useful and may even be able to help you figure things out, such as the pros and cons of telling someone about this or even help you clearly think about what do do about the feelings you have for Peter.

I hope things go well if you do tell your friend!

Doubtful2007 October 27th 2023 04:11 AM

Re: Crush Problem
Hey I might be commenting a little late on this so I hope everything worked out but if nothing has happened yet here's my advice.

I think if you like this guy, and as you stated he likes you back, I think that you tell his sister first. Bring it up plainly and clearly but don't overthink it. say something along the lines of 'hey I need to tell you something. I think your brother is kinda cute and i think i'm gonna ask him out' (or ask for his number, or anything in between those options.) once you have told his sister tell him. Don't overthink this either. He likes you so go get him. If there is one thing a guy loves its a girl that chases him somewhat.

You also mentioned you go to a youth group. So pray. Gods plan is gonna work out no matter what it is. So follow him and you'll be fine.

You got this. Be confident!

(Sorry I didn't see the "female advice preferred tab" thats mb)

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