Girlfriend with Issues -
August 23rd 2022, 03:19 AM
[FONT=""][COLOR=""][SIZE=""]I'm currently in a relationship with another girl, and we're both open about being lesbian. However, my girlfriend has one major issue that has been bothering me. She is a big misandrist and completely hates men. She does not openly express it, but when we're alone and private, she does not shut up or talk about how she hates men, and wishes them gone, how world would be better with only women, etc.
I mean, when she's not in the mood and is only with other women, she's great to hang out. Has not done anything wrong to me, and is fairly pleasant to be around if you're a woman. However, I find myself getting a little frustrated and even disturbed by just how much she hates men. I've tried asking her about it, and it had something to do when she was younger, but she refuses to bring it up. I've suggested maybe she talk to a psychologist or expert, but she gets all defensive about it, and goes on how all her anger and hatred is justified, and that there is no need for her to see one.
As I mentioned, I do like her and she isn't abusive to me at all. However, it can be mentally stressing and disturbing to hear her talk about this. What do I do?[/size][/color][/font]