[FONT=""][COLOR=""][SIZE=""][FONT=""][COLOR=""][SIZE=""]First of all, thank you for reading in advance!
I have begun a relationship with a guy I know from university. However this began over lockdown and we have only spoken over Zoom or Facetime and havent met up in person. (We obviously have spoken in person at university, however in a dating capacity it has only been over FT)
It has seemed to be going pretty well, but in the last week I've suddenly been feeling all these doubts and concerns. He compliments me ALL the time, which was nice but now is feeling really excessive. The other day when we spoke he told me that he doesn't deserve me, which made me really uncomfortable as I feel like he is putting me on a pedestal. I also feel guilty for not wanting to compliment him back, I sense that he is waiting for me to return the compliment which I dont want to do as it feels forced, but often I do anyway as I dont want him to feel insecure. I realise this i shouldn't do this if it isn't sincere, however I feel I have done it so much now that if I dont return the compliment, he will start to think that I dont like him.
A part of me wants to stop the relationship, but as we havent met in person i feel that is unfair because it could work out really well. Obviously FT is quite an intense way to continue a relationship as conversations are one on one staring at each other. I also am aware that up to last week we have both been happy to plan a bit into the future and think about what our year will be like as a couple. He has said several times that he is worried I will get bored of him, which I have reassured him I wont, but I now fear that I will.
He is a really nice person and we get on well, so I dont want to prematurely end something that could be really good. But similarly I dont want to drag this out and hurt his feelings. My fresh concerns feel very abrupt- a frew weeks ago I sent him a bday card and was happy to talk about the coming academic year, now I feel like I don't want to talk to him.
I really dont know what to do, any advice would be hugely appreciated. Apologies for this very convoluted post! Many thanks in advance
