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  (#1 (permalink)) Old
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Girlfriend asked me to homecoming (and she is making me feel like crap) - September 13th 2018, 04:18 PM

So my girlfriend asked me to homecoming this morning and I said yes, but when I told my mom, she said that she wants me to say no. I do wanna go to homecoming with my girlfriend, but at the same time I can't go against what my mom said. My mom does want me to go to homecoming though, just not with a girl. What do I do in a situation like this? Like my girlfriend put in effort for me and it's the first time I've ever been asked to homecoming.

Edit: So I talked to my girlfriend about what my mom said and now she is mad at me. We have been fighting a lot lately and she keeps making me feel like crap, and just although I love her I'm so close to just ending things.

Edit II- I ended things and now she is guilt tripping me.

Edit III- Feet obligated to get back with her... she won't even take a break. I don't know what to do.

Edit IV- So we are talking about getting back together and I'm hurting so much.
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When the world drags you down, roll over and smell the roses.

Last edited by Unidentified~Unicorn; September 13th 2018 at 09:00 PM. Reason: new info
  (#2 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Girlfriend asked me to homecoming (and she is making me feel like crap) - September 13th 2018, 09:41 PM

Talk to me about it later ok. You should call me. I promise to answer this time.
  (#3 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Girlfriend asked me to homecoming (and she is making me feel like crap) - September 14th 2018, 03:45 AM

I'm going to emphasize this: never, ever get back together with someone because they are guilt tripping you. It's an emotionally abusive tactic, and demonstrates a lack of respect for you as a partner and as a person. If you don't feel like things are working out, don't get back together with her. You aren't "obligated" to do anything, especially if it's causing you emotional pain. That's your brain trying to tell you something, and it's important to listen. Things aren't going to get better just because you get back together with her; I promise, something else will come up down the line and it will create the same problems. She's not going to change just because you take her back, so you can't really expect anything different from her. I'd say if you feel it's done, leave it at that. You gotta take care of you first and foremost.
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asked, crap, feel, girlfriend, homecoming, making

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