soon to be girlfriend "accidentally" sent me a pic of her boobs -
December 12th 2016, 04:56 AM
so a few days ago i was talking to her on skype and we often send each other funny pics on kik while talking. i see that she sent me a pic but right away she starts freaking out cause she accidentally sent the wrong pic and begs me not to open it. she didnt sound serious really, just kind of joking, but i am confused why she would act so embarrassed. like she sent it to the one person she would want to send it to anyways, its not like she sent it to a family member. i am also wondering if she actually did it on purpose and is just pretending that it was an accident. anyways i finally looked at it 20 minutes later and she got even more embarrassed. i would understand being embarrassed if she wasnt wearing a bra in the pic. she got so embarrassed she went offline and wouldn't talk to me for 2 hours. then i told her theres nothing to be embarrassed about and even asked her for more pics. she sent more and that is when i started getting confused. she sent them with no problem at all even though she was having a heart attack over the first one. an hour later she asked me if she was "good enough". i was going to say something about not caring for her boobs as i would still love her either way but i just said of course. i guess basically what i want to know is, did she send it on purpose or was it truly an accident?