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rkdrmagh123 Offline
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Question Confused about my boyfriend - May 23rd 2016, 07:38 PM

I first got with my boyfriend who's Korean last year, October. We got into the relationship after 2 weeks of knowing each other and we broke it off at December because the relationship was really immature and he was basically a rude guy who treated me bad in the middle of the relationship; he would call other girls pretty in front of me and all we did in dates were make out and touching. We got back at April and he grew up from that shitty attitude but then he's back at Korea right now and isn't replying to my messages and he's been attending university fest or he's at the karaoke bar, billiards room or out with his friends he hasn't seen for a long time. Should I be worried? Am I too worried?
  (#2 (permalink)) Old
chloereedy Offline
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Re: Confused about my boyfriend - May 26th 2016, 04:58 PM

Well first off, how far away from Korea are you? Long distance relationships can be hard, but if you put the effort in on both sides, they can work.

Secondly, 2 weeks isn't really a long time - are you sure you were both ready for a relationship?

Lastly, how long is it between the times he messages you? If he's a busy guy then it's kinda understandable, but if you know he does have spare time and never messages you at all then that't not too good? Maybe tell him how you feel about the lack of conversation, and if that doesn't work maybe you should consider breaking it off - you can't have a one-sided conversation, let alone a relationship..
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