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Okay, so I haven't been here in years but I need help and I dont know who or where to go to.
So today I found out my boyfriend got arrested in january. That wouldhave been 10 months into our relationship. I only found out today.
At the beginning of our relationship we had a small problem where he 'had fun' to pics of other girls. I found out and made it perfectly clear I was not happy. A few minths later, there was a similar situation and I told him if he did it again I would leave him no questions asked cuz I see it as cheating.
The thing he got arrested for was handling pics of underage girls but he didnt know it was illegal and he was kinda tricked into it (my opinion, not what he said). Its serious and at the end of june he has to go to the police atation and find out whats gonna happen.
He's admitted having suicidal thoughts which scares me so much and I promised I'll stay by his side.
Hoqever, now I've had time to think about what he actually did. He did what I told him I would not stand for (again).
I just dont knoq what to think anymore, someone please help me. I love this guy, I really do, but I dont know if I can trust him still.