Hey there
I was actually in the exact same position as you a couple of years ago. I had started dating this guy, he was really nice and caring and by far the nicest boyfriend I had ever had, and two weeks into our relationship I started feeling this strange feeling, like something just wasn't right in our relationship... Back then I couldn't put my finger on it, I just knew that I didn't want to be dating him, and now when I look back on it I can see that it was because my feelings for him didn't extend beyond those of friendship; there just wasn't that "zest" which is romantic relationships.
I felt almost revolted by this relationship (not by him, just the relationship), and I wanted to break up with him, but I was very nervous... I didn't want to hurt his feelings, and, I didn't want anyone to think that I was one of these people who get into relationships just for the fun. So I pondered on it for another week, talked to my mum about it, talked to a couple of my close friends about it, and finally decided that I had to do it.
I didn't want to just drop it on him though, so for a day I distanced myself from him by acting a bit unusual (not waiting for him after class, not kissing, etc.) so that he might get a hint and be somewhat prepared. Anyway, the next day at break time I told him that I was really sorry and that this relationship wasn't working out for me, that it wasn't his fault, and that I'd like to stay friends.
Of course he was a bit stunned and hurt at first, and for the next couple of months it was very awkward to be around him, but I'm very happy that I broke it off.
Now to apply this to your situation, here are the reasons why you should break up with him:
- if this isn't working for you now, it won't work in the future either, even if you try; you can't make yourself love someone.
- if you stay in this relationship, you will just be digging the whole deeper and deeper so that when you finally decide to break it off, it'll be much harder for the both of you to climb out of it.
- if you stay in this relationship with him, you'll be lying to him about your feelings, and the whole relationship will be a lie -- and that's much worse than just telling him.
So, the right thing to do is to be sincere and tell him how you feel. I suggest that like I did, you spend a day or two just distancing yourself from him so that it doesn't come to such a big surprise. Then, before he goes home, tell him how you feel in a gentle way, and insist on the fact that it wasn't anything that he did, and that you'd like to stay friends.
I know you can do this, trust me, it's the nicest thing to do in this situation.
Good luck!