Girlfriend's birthday -
November 1st 2015, 12:56 PM
Well, this Tuesday is my girlfriend's birthday. She is celebrating it this weekend, and I got a gift for her, but my family is planning for me to go to her house as a surprise to give her the gift on Tuesday. The plan I had with my girlfriend (The plan me and her both agreed to) is that I would stay with her for the weekend and give her the gift on Friday.
I am not to concerned about my family's plan if it wasn't for her having a rough week last week (Family turbulence, internship, job and other fatigues) and her having dance class on Tuesday nights. That is why I am asking advice.
Is it more sensible to go to her house on Tuesday after she is back from dancing or wait until Friday? I am thinking about Friday despite not doing anything with her this weekend (She wasn't allowed because see second paragraph).
Skype: jordiadutchbroski
PSN: jordioa18
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