Alright, since no one sorta replied as soon as possible. I'll give it my best shot.
I'm sorry that your boyfriend is in hospital and that he's struggling but I am sure that he'll manage to overtake the disease he have.
Is there anyway that you can get in contact with any of his family members? Like on facebook?
If there's no other options to contact anyone who knows how he's holding up, do not assume anything just yet. I'm certainly sure that your boyfriend is okay and that the doctors there are treating him most good.
In the meantime, try and drive your thoughts away from him as much as possible and I know that may be hard but it could help you function better (I'm speaking on experience here).
For the money problem, you haven't said which country he is from so plane tickets cost may differ from places to places. In any case, getting a job would help quite alot and you could sell things in your possession that you don't really need, just an small suggestion.
Sorry if any of this didn't help, I'm here to
VM if you want to talk. I know talking could distract you off some things. Best of luck to you and your boyfriend.

I am sure everything will work out.