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Unhappy My Little Brother Has A Girlfriend!? - April 5th 2014, 02:57 PM

I woke up this morning, with excitement. It was a beautiful day, and I wanted to have fun (while trying to forget all of the crap in my life). I have only my half-brother and I asked him if he wanted to do the same. While we were getting ready, I guess he got really excited, and spilled his secret to me! He has a girlfriend! I got really awkward for a moment, and acted like I was really happy. Then I got caught up in my thoughts, and was really sad, because I felt so DIFFERENT, from everyone else in my family. Of course he doesn't know if I am gay or not, so I don't want to influence him in a negative fashion (or so I think) because he needs a role model (like his big brother) to talk to or to help him.Then, he asked me if I could ask another girl out for him, I said no. Have you ever dealt with something like this? If so, how did you deal with it?
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Re: My Little Brother Has A Girlfriend!? - April 5th 2014, 03:28 PM

Hey there,

It does seem pretty awkward or upsetting that he has a girlfriend already and you know that you won't experience something similar to that. It doesn't mean you're different, though, and just because you aren't straight, doesn't mean you'll never find someone you can be with! You will still be able to experience all of the wonderful things that come along with dating someone, it will just be with someone of the opposite gender. I personally don't think that relationships have to be that different depending on what sex you are dating. So you'd have to remind yourself that it can happen to you, too.

I think that he can still talk to you about what's going on if he needs some support or someone to vent to you. You'd just have to do the best you can, and if you ever aren't in the mood or aren't comfortable with the discussion, you can always say just that.

Do you ever get a little bit tired of life
Like you're not really happy but you don't wanna die
Like you're hanging by a thread but you gotta survive
'Cause you gotta survive
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brother, girlfriend

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