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Question Why dont i enjoy sex with my boyfriend? - September 15th 2013, 06:37 AM

I'm 16, i was raped a couple years ago but ive had sex this past year and I enjoyed it but I kept making him stop when he was about to finish. Now I'm with my boyfriend and I really just don't feel much when we have sex, I don't know what's wrong.
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Re: Why dont i enjoy sex with my boyfriend? - September 16th 2013, 09:02 AM

Hello Suns.

This is my first post on the Support form but i hope this helps.
me and my girlfriend had the same issue but she was not raped, but she didn't enjoy it either as much and it was not that we weren't good together, but more of a mind set matter. as soon as she convinced her self that she will do everything to enjoy this stuff have been changing and she was even in the mood to try new and more exciting things.

that was the one time, the second time was a form of depression, as soon as we got some meds for her to relax more and forget about that depression, i could see a 100% difference in 1 hours time from taking the meds.

see its more like this:
your body can be in the mood to enjoy this and your mind without knowing this you wont be enjoying or wise versa.

this helped for us, maybe it will help for you
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Femme Fatale Offline
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Re: Why dont i enjoy sex with my boyfriend? - September 17th 2013, 01:56 AM

It could be that you're just not as into him as you think you are? Or maybe you need to connect with him on a more emotional level before you can really enjoy such a physical relationship with him. I find that to be a common problem for me; with some people it's really easy for me to have sex with them, but with others I just need to really connect with them before I can enjoy it. You should also take into consideration that maybe the fact that you were raped could also have something to do with it.

Either way, you should probably talk to him about this problem of yours and what you think might be behind it so the two of you can work it out.
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