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View Poll Results: At what age is it appropriate to start formally dating?
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  (#1 (permalink)) Old
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At what age is it acceptable to start dating? - February 28th 2013, 08:41 PM

I'm interested in knowing what people think, as a general rule, is an appropriate age for people to start formally dating.

My parents had a rule that I could not actually date until I was sixteen years old. I really hated it when I was younger, and didn't think it fair, but as I got older I realized that there was sound reasoning behind it. I was much more mature at sixteen than I was at say, fourteen, when it came to relationships. I was able to make better decisions.

So what does everyone else think?
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Re: At what age is it acceptable to start dating? - February 28th 2013, 09:57 PM

15... Well, thats the part when you start to emotionally grow up, and if you have a steady relationship, you probably wont have sex the first year... So yeah, 15 or more...
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Re: At what age is it acceptable to start dating? - February 28th 2013, 10:16 PM

I put 13 cause that's when hormones start to get out and people start getting sexually hyper. That's the reason for boyfriend/girlfriend biologically anyways. Also, I think we're pretty responsible and we already know the typical things, so if theres a hot person who you think you love after being a year together, why not.
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Re: At what age is it acceptable to start dating? - March 1st 2013, 04:21 AM

I think dating at 13 or 14 is okay, but formally dating I think shouldn't be until 16 as that is when you can actually drive places and such. Before that just seems young, and nobody is mature enough at that age.
My first relationship was when I was 14, and I definitely have grown up a lot since then.

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Re: At what age is it acceptable to start dating? - March 1st 2013, 08:19 AM

i put 14, because that's when I started dating. However I don't believe 14 or 15 is a good age to start sexual "dating". If you know what i mean.

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Re: At what age is it acceptable to start dating? - March 1st 2013, 04:17 PM

I would say around 14, it depends on the person though. Loads of kids have little crushes and stuff, but the 11 year olds I know definitely definintely do not "date" like we think of it, they might go to a movie or hold hands but it's rarely long term or "serious", 12-13 year olds are more likely to have a better grasp, but they usually aren't really going to do anything serious or what ever. I think part of my opinion comes from whether or not you can actually go on a date. Parents are more likely to monitor kids who are under 13 more closely but a kid who's 14 or so is more likely to be allowed to go on a date with out it being a big deal. And I think hormones and puberty factors in and by 14 most people have at least started puberty where as at 11 or 12 it's not as common. Any ways it is circumstantial and I don't really consider it an "appropriate time" but it's just when I think it's more common, if a 12 year old kids wants to go to a movie with a kids well, thats fine, but I think I'd have to make it clear that I wouldn't expect it to be serious, but that's a whole other matter.

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Re: At what age is it acceptable to start dating? - March 1st 2013, 06:18 PM

I think that the definition of dating varies between 12-18. Say, relationships when we were 13 we now don't really count as real relationships. I think dating can begin early, say 12, but I think sexual relationships and the more 'serious' dating should be kept for kind of 15+ (depends on maturity of individuals, though).

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Re: At what age is it acceptable to start dating? - March 2nd 2013, 04:12 PM

You know what, my first boyfriend was when I was eleven. Haha. Although we weren't quite 'formally' dating.

I'm not quite sure but I might go with 12 or 13 on this one. It really depends on your maturity level, but to a lot of people at this age 'a relationship' is holding hands and kissing and going to the cinema - when that was me, that was pretty much as far as it went. Relationships change as people grow older anyway. But I think sixteen is much too old for a 'minimum' dating age.

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Re: At what age is it acceptable to start dating? - March 2nd 2013, 05:26 PM

I voted for 16, but 15/16 is good, I think. I really don't think you should start dating until you are able to drive yourself places - it's not cool to have to ask your mother to take you and your boyfriend/girlfriend places. Kinda lame in my opinion. On top of that, at 12/13 years old, you don't understand enough about yourself to really know what you want out of a relationship, and I really don't think you should start dating until you have a good idea of exactly who you are as a person. Self-awareness is a huge part of making a relationship work, and there are way too many changes happening in the early teen years for someone that age to really be self-aware.

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Re: At what age is it acceptable to start dating? - March 2nd 2013, 07:39 PM

I don't think you can give an age limit. I think it should be when the person is mentally old enough to understand relationships because you see some kids have relationships where two weeks in they start saying that they're in love and others who don't

I think it depends on the individual

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Re: At what age is it acceptable to start dating? - March 3rd 2013, 02:30 PM

Originally Posted by moggeletto View Post
I don't think you can give an age limit. I think it should be when the person is mentally old enough to understand relationships because you see some kids have relationships where two weeks in they start saying that they're in love and others who don't

I think it depends on the individual
Yes it definitely depends, however I think 16 would be around the age that most teenagers have put any teenage difficulties behind them and really start to express themselves, not to mention the level of maturity reached by this age. Apart from that, I see dating at any younger age as an absolutely pointless endeavour...
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Re: At what age is it acceptable to start dating? - March 3rd 2013, 03:14 PM

Meh, I'm unsure on this one. My first reaction was fourteen, but thinking back I wasn't a very mature fourteen year old, so I guess it really depends. Love can be a dangerous thing and it can cause some hurt as well as some fantastic feelings, so I'm gonna go with it depends on the two people and their situations

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Re: At what age is it acceptable to start dating? - March 4th 2013, 01:47 AM

I was never allowed to date up until 16. Even so I've never started dating but I'll say 15-16 is appropriate.

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Re: At what age is it acceptable to start dating? - March 4th 2013, 02:04 AM

I say 16, because I think that when you are younger than that you just aren't mature enough to "get" certain aspects of dating and guys and whatnot. (And yes, I acknowledge that I am 15. )

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Re: At what age is it acceptable to start dating? - March 4th 2013, 02:35 AM

I think it is relative to the person. I have some friends who started dating their current boyfriend/girlfriend at 15 who are now approaching their second year together. Then I have other friends who are 18 or even older who are extremely immature and can hardly hold onto a relationship for more than a month, and when they do 'date' somebody they are typically dating some asshole jock who treats her like a possession rather than a girlfriend. I dunno, I'd call myself a mature person and I can't seem to find anybody who's even remotely interested in me.

Maturity is relative IMHO. You either are or you're not, age has little to do with it.
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Re: At what age is it acceptable to start dating? - March 4th 2013, 02:47 AM

My kids won't be able to date until 16. That was my parents rule, not really an issue for me because I wasn't really into the whole thing until I was 16 anyway and on top of that I still haven't dated anyone. My brother is almost 16 and kinda dating, he has a girlfriend and they have been out a few times though my parents have always done the driving. I think when it comes to making this decision as a parent it will all come down to whether you trust your kids.

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Re: At what age is it acceptable to start dating? - March 4th 2013, 03:50 AM

It depends on what you define as dating. People had crushes in elementary school that you'd say that you like them and they'd hold hands for a week and I don't see anything wrong with that. Dating evolves, and so it really depends on the circumstance. Obviously, 12 year olds shouldn't be getting engaged, but getting some pizza together with a butterflies-in-your-belly hug afterwards? Cool.

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Re: At what age is it acceptable to start dating? - March 4th 2013, 07:29 PM

When you can drive on your own you can date, generally that means 16 or so.
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Re: At what age is it acceptable to start dating? - March 4th 2013, 08:05 PM

I agree with Nicole. 13-14ish. My Mom didn't let me till I was 16. I'm 16 now and haven't been on a date, but I feel like I could of handled it a couple years ago just pizza or video games or something. Tada' :P

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Re: At what age is it acceptable to start dating? - March 4th 2013, 09:58 PM

I mean... I said thirteen but I mean... the guy I like had his first girlfriend in kindergarten. Me personally, if my kid liked a guy/girl, and they wanted to go out with this person, and I knew the person wouldn't hurt him or her well then... I say go for it.
13 is when hormones kick in (as someone else said) but this is just my opinion.
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Re: At what age is it acceptable to start dating? - March 4th 2013, 10:35 PM

It all really depends on the people.

Although the cute six-year olds are lovely, I honestly don't count that as "dating".

I accept that more formal, serious relationships tend to start 15-17 upwards, but I said 14 because 13/14 is when you start having your crushes, etc. and some of the less-experienced dating which is not as serious yet does hold some significance starts happening then.

By all means though, it's personal development and choice. My best friend could get herself a boyfriend anywhere she likes now, but she personally wants to wait until she's at uni, which is her choice and preference.

In saying that, I don't think that parents should put limits on age with this. It's a personal thing that - though parents want to protect you - should be completely your choice to develop into. Indeed, it could even be interpreted as slightly unhealthy to get the feeling that in dating and relationships, there is someone other than yourself in control of who you can and can't go out with.

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Re: At what age is it acceptable to start dating? - March 5th 2013, 08:48 AM

i think it should be at or after 16 because more than hitting puberty, you need to know how to handle a relationship.

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