As someone who is also 17 and has never been kissed or had a girlfriend, I would say you're doing nothing wrong! If people value material things in your school over mental or whatever, they're probably not really worth going out with in the first place!
It used to be that I stressed about not having a girlfriend, and not having many friends, and all that. Then I realized that school is basically a bullshit popularity contest, and it's not in any way indicative of the life I'll have. So what you've never been kissed or gone out with anyone? I bet you're an awesome dude, people just don't take the time to get to know you.
Hang in there, things may get better when you get to college (I wouldn't know, I'm still in High School like you, but from what I hear, College can be pretty awesome.)
About the friendzone thing. It's perfectly fine to be in the friendzone. Are you sexually or romantically attracted to every girl your friends with? Probably not. So why should they be to you? "Just friends" is nothing to laugh at. As someone who doesn't have a whole lot of female friends (Used to have a bunch, but come High School, most of my friends and I drifted apart), I'll tell you I really miss it, and would love to be "friendzoned." I know it may sound cliche, but value those friendships. They're important.
In all, I'm sure things will work out fine for you, and you sound like a pretty cool guy. Just see high school social standing for what it is, pointless drama. Just keep smiling, laugh every day, and value your friends, and you'll do just fine.