Umm, I came out to my only accepting friend a few months ago, and I've been dropping some very obvious hints (or at least they should be obvious) that I'm bi to my homophobic (they "claim" they're not) go-to-church-every-Sunday-friends. They probably couldn't handle the truth

, although most of them are fully aware that I take meds for OCD, anxiety, and ADD, so they're accepting about things I can't help, and as we all know we "choose" who we're attracted to. They also know I believe in evolution (they're not too happy about that!!) and absolutely hate going to church, hence my once a year visit to the church for Christmas. So anyways, I dropped a huge hint by telling them about a movie I watched on my iPad last night, Fingersmith. It's a really good lesbian romance set in the 1800's. You can just guess what their reactions were like. I guess I'll work harder with them and come out to them before I move forward. Or I could miraculously find a girl and introduce them to her

I'm honestly getting sick of my friends. If they got a problem with me having a preference for girls, so be it.
Oops, long post. So anyways, thanks for your advices (yep, improper grammar... I think).