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A review of Spilled Milk by K. L. Randis
by TeenHelp November 18th 2020, 05:13 PM

A review of Spilled Milk by K. L. Randis
By Cassie (cynefin)


Spilled Milk by K. L Randis is about a young woman named Brooke experiencing and surviving abuse. The title in itself made me think of the phrase "there's no use crying over spilled milk" which is synonymous with a turning point in the book when Brooke realizes that her home life is not normal or healthy.

The book opens at a trial, and Brooke takes note of her Organic Chemistry flashcards in her pocket. Following this, readers are brought back through time to learn about what Brooke and her siblings experienced. Brooke was the second of five children. Her father abused her from a very young age; he'd come into her room at night. While she experienced sexual abuse, her other siblings were the target of physical harm.

As an abuse survivor, I felt the feelings and descriptions throughout the book were very accurate. I actually cried throughout parts of the book because I have felt some of the same things with my experiences. The author did a great job of describing the impact and thoughts of someone with these traumas. With that said, some of it became too much for me at one point. I didn't want to stop reading, though, so I went at my own pace and thought about what it meant for me.

Throughout the book, readers see Brooke blossom into a stronger person. She comes to terms with her abuse and makes choices to help her work through what she has been through.

While I did appreciate the accuracy of the thoughts and feelings themselves, I was disappointed with the end of the book. It felt as if Brooke healed a little too quickly and it didn't feel true to life. Healing from abuse or any trauma is a long journey which is not linear and I didn't feel as though this was represented correctly. Despite this, I did like where Brooke was at the very end.

Anyone who has experienced abuse, wants an inside look, or enjoys reads with emotional ties might enjoy this book. It is important to note that it might become too heavy or even triggering at some times, however.
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