Worry stones
By Cassie (Calico.)
Worry stones are smooth stones that vary in size, shape, and color. Some have thumb indentations and are engraved with a single inspirational word, or a phrase. These stones are supposed to alleviate worry when held between your thumb and index fingers. Most worldwide cultures have something similar to alleviate worry, but it is thought that worry stones originated from Native American or Greek cultures. Native Americans had sacred stones that were passed down from generation to generation. The Native Americans thought that stones held the power of healing, and the ability to reduce negativity. The Greeks used smooth stones that were polished by water through the years. They said prayers while holding them in their hands.
Worry stones can help to reduce tension and anxiety by keeping your hands busy. They can also help to keep you in contact with your senses, thus keeping you grounded or allowing you to return from a dazed state. Worry stones have a lot to do with your thought process. For example, if you have a rock that says "courage", you will allow yourself to believe that you have courage, and you will have courage with you whenever the stone is with you.
Almost all stones have a thumb indentation, however, some do not. Most stones that do not have a thumb indentation are too small for one. Some stones are plain, while others are engraved with words such as "courage", "strength", "believe", or "faith". Some are religious. "Give your worries to the Angels, it's time to heal your heart. Every day's a new beginning, where love and hope can start. Give this stone as a gift to a friend, someone you love, or pass it along to a stranger." - The Original AngelStar Worry Stone.
Worry stones are available for purchase at the gift shops of a tourist attraction. They can also be ordered online on websites such as eBay, Amazon, and Etsy. When picking a worry stone, don't look for anything in particular. Instead, pay close attention to your instinct. Does something stick out to you? Maybe a certain word, or the coloring of a stone? Choose one that has meaning for you.
To use the stone, hold it between your thumb and index finger and rub your thumb against the stone. Alternatively, rub your thumb over any engraving to help keep you grounded. Keep it with you, or keep it in a quiet area where you can reflect and think positively.