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10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
Article here.
What do you all think about this? I'm still completely shocked at all of it. It's so sad that a child that young would have to even think about suicide. :( Edit: "We haven't uncovered anything so severe that would result in someone taking their life." They have NO idea how it felt to that little girl. No idea at all. :glare: |
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
The bullies are scum, end of story
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
This story is so sad. Poor girl. :(
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
I literally cried just reading the title. Can't believe some1 so young had to experience that and the mom didn't do anything right then and there. If that was my child I'd be on the phone instantly trying to find answers and put a stop to it, not have it wait for later. Rest In Peace Ashlynn, another soul taken from the Earth way too soon. :(
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
I saw this a few days ago. It's so sad. :( Bullying really needs to be taken more seriously, or this is going to keep happening. :( I feel so bad for kids in public schools these days.
And this is slightly off topic, but the bullying had nothing to do with LGBT as far as what the news has said. Her mom only said that they were calling her ugly and a slut. |
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
This is harder for me because I LIVE in Illinois... its just so sad that something like this can even happen. Why do people have to be so cruel? :(
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
Humans work in the pack mentality, once this pack will see someone different they will attack.
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
Poor child. What really got me was that in the comments on the article, not one person mentioned the girls death, but their own experiences. It's great that they want to share, but there was a more pressing issue that they should have been commenting on.
Truly sad. |
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
So I'm the only one that finds the situation fishy. I mean the girl asks her mother if she can be home schooled, the mother didn't even say no she said they'd talk about it, and the next day she's dead. There had so be some sort of other issues with that girl besides bullying. I mean why in the world couldn't she wait, if it was that bad why didn't she tell her mother she needed to leave school right away. It just seems a bit odd to me, there had to be something else going on with that girl besides a few bullies.
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
I don't know enough to comment about the bullying itself, but whatever has been going on it is incredibly sad for someone so young to feel the need to end their own life. It does make me question how much progress we're actually making if things like this can still happen without someone picking up on it. The situation now seems exactly the same as it was when I was still in school, and that's quite depressing really.
Anyway, RIP Ashlynn. |
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
I can't get my head around the fact that today's 10 year-old children have enough knowledge of LBGT to attribute it to their peers (assuming that's what they did).
Back when I was at school, kids were bullied for shallow things such as being overweight or having ginger hair. Not being gay, transgendered, etc. That kinda thing didn't happen 'til you were well into your teenage years. Kids really are growing up way too fast. And nothing good is resulting from it. >.< RIP Ashlynn. :( |
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
This was probably the saddest article I've read in a while. This ten year old girl committed suicide because of bullies. That's absolutely terrible... Rest In Peace Ashlynn. :( <3
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
It's so sad to even imagine someone that young committing suicide let alone it actually happening. Rip Ashlynn:(
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
Don't think this issue had anything to do with LGBT. :?
But it broke my heart when I heard this story over the news. This bullying issue is really getting out of hand. |
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
I assumed that the OP had some other knowledge that wasn't contained in the article. o.O |
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
None of any of the articles or news stories that I've seen about this mentioned LGBT at all either. I don't think that had anything to do with it...
Reguardless of why she was bullied though, it's so sad. :( |
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
Definitely something else going on. Why couldn't she wait a day? Either way, RIP.
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
so sad, she's way too young. rest in peace ashlynn.
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
I have sympathy for the family but not for the girl because that's like saying I have sympathy for someone who is blinded by selfishness and doesn't give a crap about their family.
I find the whole thing to be skeptical because she tells her mother some kids are bullying her and her mother listens, so in return the girl decides it's time to become a fixture of her closet? I know people aren't always rational, especially when they're stressed but if you're getting the response you want from someone who could help, why would you crap all over that and call it quits, so to speak? |
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
This is incredibly sad. I wonder how long the bullying had been going on for. I hope they figure some things out, even if it is too late for this girl, hopefully it can help the next kid.
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
As for the actual story, of course, it is incredibly sad, but I have a problem with these stories in general being labeled as 'due to bullying'. Normal 10 year olds don't have thoughts about killing themselves, much less go through with it. Obviously there was more going on (and by that I mean mentally). I don't think it's fair to pin the death of a child on other children. Yes, bullying is bad, and the kids who did it are more than likely little brats... but are they evil monsters who causeD a ten year old's death? No. It's unfair to say otherwise. What strikes me more about this story is that there was a 10 year old going through those kind of problems (depression, suicidal thoughts etc) and nobody noticed. Not that a bunch of little shit heads were being cruel to a classmate. Also unless you've got the information from somewhere else I don't know why this says LGBT bullying. I find it intereresting that people automatically assume that if a person kills themselves due to bullying, it was because they were gay. Because we all know gay bullying is worse than any other kind of bullying. Quote:
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
I think that it is really sad and nobody should be have to do this because they are getting bullied and at an age which is so young it is even more sad. It is not selfish it may have been the best option that she had because she couldn't take it anymore
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
The article I posted was actually the second one I read on this story, the first one talked about it being LGBT related because she was being called gay and told she looked like a boy. I didn't realise it wasn't mentioned in this one, sorry. :nosweat: |
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
Again though, my sympathies go out to the family, it's got to be hard dealing with the aftermath of their suicidal child. Some families would view suicide as bringing shame onto the family name, so families have to cope with that also. |
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
All I'm saying is that it's fine to take that line with adults (suicide is selfish and you're purposely hurting your family if you do it) but to take the same line with children is probably not worth it because ten year olds are, well, ten year olds. If a ten year old kicked me in the leg I would have a completely different reaction from if an adult kicked me because I know that ten year olds are as I said, illogical, irrational... and kind of dumb by adult standards. And that also happens to be the reason why I've protested blaming the death on other kids that age because suicide and bullying are both horrible things but at ten I'm not going to judge them by adult standards. Also, at ten I thought about suicide a lot. And I also thought about how my family and friends would feel if I killed myself. That was usually the point, to kill myself and imagine how everyone would react if I did. It was usually a reaction to you don't care/you did this/why do you act like.... you would feel bad if I died. And while I thought about intentionally causing pain like that to my friends and family, I loved them and if I could have fully understood the pain that losing a child or childhood friend would have caused them I wouldn't have even thought about it. But ten year olds don't think like that. Quote:
We shouldn't be saying OH GOD TEN YEAR OLDS ARE SO HORRIBLE THESE DAYS LETS FIND A WAY TO FIGHT BULLYING because while that was definitely a problem I don't see it as nearly as big of a problem as the former. Quote:
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
[quote=Marguerite;760178]It's not really the point of whether she knew what she was doing or not. I agree, the fact she used a noose to hang herself shows she understood what exactly it was that she was doing. It doesn't mean that she could fully process what exactly it meant in the long term and what the consequences would be. I don't mean she didn't understand she would die... I just mean that ten year olds are illogical and irrational by nature. Did she weigh up what it would mean for her family and decide to put her self first? Maybe, maybe not. Even if she did it's not something at least I as a ten year old could have fully comprehended.
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
If a 10 year old can't work out that by hanging yourself you will die, then that 10 year old has the intelligence of a frog.
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
When I look at this story I think about how the mother must feel. To lose a child must be one of the hardest things a person can go through. You'd never be the same person. It would be in your mind everyday. To know that your child killed themselves would likely be even worse because it would make you feel so horrible and so absolutely inadequate. In my mind it was instantaneous. I thought about the short term affects. I thought about how my mum would react if she saw my body and thought she'd think, 'Oh God! If only I'd done X or hadn't done Y!' I certainly didn't think about it to the extent of ruining someone's life or inflicting that much permanent, heart wrenching pain on someone. I tried to commit suicide a few times from the ages of 14-16. I realise when someone says a 'few times' it begins to sound like BS (not so much lying but that I didn't *really* want to go through with it). I guess that's true to a certain extent but I'd say there were definitely a couple of times when I was totally commited, like the toaster in the bath incident or the two times I winded up in hospital for ODing on Valium. This may all sound irrelevent but my point is this: I understood the gravity of the situation then. I understood what I was doing to my family and what I would have done if I'd died. It just wasn't a priority for me... I didn't really care all that much. Was I being selfish? Absolutely. But my point is that as you get older these things become clearer in your mind. At 10 you're too young to FULLY comprehend what something as heavey as suicide will mean. Most 10 year olds don't even think about suicide and if they do there is obviously something off there. Quote:
If someone my age came up and violently kicked me I'd understand that it's different to a child doing it because children are just children. Saying that people are illogical and irrational at all ages is kind of a cop out if you ask me because you can't tell me you think 30 year olds or 20 year olds or even 15 year olds have the same mental capacity and ability of understanding as 10 year olds (IN GENERAL). Quote:
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
I can only say what I've experienced, and when I was 10 I had a pretty firm grasp on the idea of death and its consequences. That said I'm far more mature than most my age, so I suppose I'm more of an exception than a rule.
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
I smell several rats here:
1. Either I'm blind or there's no mention in the article of LGBT orientated bullying 2. If it is LGBT orientated bullying, then I find it very strange that aged 10 she would have identified herself as a lesbian, especially that the article says: "We have to do something with this, we cannot let her life be in vain, this is an opening to help others. This was not an isolated incident, it has been going on for years". "Years", being plural, I'd assume at least two, so going by facts stated she could have been as young as 8 when she identified herself as a lesbian (that's assuming she was bullied by straight kids, which would be the norm). 3. I find it strange that she would suicide so spontaneously. I'd guess there was something more to it than just bullying on its own. Perhaps she was somewhat mentally unstable... I mean, God only knows. I remember a movie were a 15 year old girl would tie a nose round her neck and stand on a chair alone in a room because she had some kind of fucked up fetish. It was not a porn movie (lol), one of those Poltergeist/Exorcist/Paranormal Activity type of movies. I'm just saying... it could even have been an accident. Nobody knows. All that aside, it's never good news when someone kills themselves for whatever reason. |
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
Anyway, you gave some personal babble so I gave some personal babble but my question still stands, what made you want to kill yourself when you took a shower with a toaster or got pill-happy? Quote:
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
And I don't know if you were talking to me or to the other person you quoted when you said that I/they were "glamorizing suicide", but I absolutely wasn't. I said that it is wrong no matter what the situation or age is, but just that I can imagine what may have been going through her head. |
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
Sorry I didn't reply earlier, I've been in the middle of exams. I'll address the personal babble first with more personal babble. :nosweat:
The second thing is that my life was never really that bad to warrant killing myself. I certainly never went through anything you described (other than one thing which I'll talk about in a second). It wasn't about the things that happened to me, it was just about how I felt. I just felt so hopeless all the time, like I didn't have a future so there was no point trying to live. I'm actually pretty good in bad situations. The one you described with your grandmother resonates with me because my grandfather died earlier this year after a long and drawn out illness. I was there when he died, and everyone was so sad. I didn't cry, instead I kind of contemplated what people would think of me if they realised I wasn't crying. I also took it upon myself to look out for everyone else and made sure they were okay. The only time I cried was at his funeral when my nephew got up and said he didn't want our grandfather to die, because I felt sad for my nephew, not because I missed my grandfather (although I did). I've always been like that. In the sucky situations I'm strong. It's the moments inbetween that really get me. I remember last year my mum OD'd and left the house saying she was going to kill herself and my sister called the police. My sister cried so much but I didn't even really blink. Maybe that was because I was used to it since it was no where near the first time it'd happened. Truth be told if I hadn't had grown up with my mum trying to kill herself all the time and being so depressed I probably wouldn't have done it myself, because it seemed so normal to me. That's only speculation though. Also this detail might be irrelevent but it was a radio, not a toaster. Not sure why I said toaster, I think I've been watching too many horror movies. You know, suprisingly enough it doesn't do anything like in the movies :nosweat:. Who would have thought? Also sorry for dedicating a novel to my personal BS. Quote:
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
I didn't reject my parents' sympathy but they could not provide any more help since they're not doctors so I wanted them out of the way for the time being, although afterward we all went home as a big happy family. Quote:
The only other funeral I was at for a family member who had a long drawn out illness was one of my uncles. I didn't want to go because when he was alive, I couldn't stand being around him, many times I wanted to drive my fist through his head and if I didn't like him in life, there's no point seeing him in death. The only good thing about him was he was wealthy and whenever it came to presents, he knew my favourite gift (everyone in my family does), and he often would give me money for something after I gave a bullshit story. Eventually I went simply because it was either that or mundane school work. On the other hand, several of my cousins, including the one mentioned above were there, so we left early (they said their good-byes, I didn't). Quote:
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
Jesus :| Poor kid :/ R.I.P. sweetie <333
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
That story is really sad! Why? Why does it always end like this?
Re: 10 year old girl in Illinois commits suicide over LGBT bullying
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