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RadkeLover June 9th 2011 05:08 PM

LGBT club
I am re activating a GSA club at my highschool next year and plan on changing the name to LGBTS. (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, and Supporters) but what should i do once its started? posters? pamphlets? speaches? please give me some advice

Sythan June 9th 2011 07:24 PM

Re: LGBT club
Posters are always a great way. Finding people who are dedicated before it starts so they will show up is always a must.

Troubled_Heart June 9th 2011 07:26 PM

Re: LGBT club
I think posters around your school is a good idea to advertise it, also you should try and get a message into your schools buttetin board/news read and magazine if you have one. If you're brave you could even ask for a slot in assembly to ask people to join.
I've never been to a GSA, going to a church school they wouldn't allow them :( so I don't really know what to say after this, but getting the message around would be a good idea :) tell me how it goes :) good luck Xxx <3

RadkeLover June 9th 2011 08:39 PM

Re: LGBT club
thanks but i meant like AFTER all thats done

FriendZoneMayor June 9th 2011 08:42 PM

Re: LGBT club

this website has a lot of info on activities and holidays for LGBTQ clubs

TheCrowing June 10th 2011 08:02 PM

Re: LGBT club
When you hold your first meeting, do something so that everyone can get to know each other, even if you already do. I helped start mine 4 years ago, and every new year or when we get a substantial amount of new kids, we like to introduce everyone. So, they would say their Name, Grade, and a weird/quirky/interesting fact about themselves. It helps break the ice, and it also works well to help people warm up to each other.

Hold open discussions. Take a random topic (preferably LGBT related), start it off, and let people just openly talk about it (in an organized manner of course).

I know the members in ours love guest speakers. If there is a local pride center, or something that you think would do it, ask them if they could come by and talk. We've had people from pride centers, Aids foundations, an awesome gay guy that works for GE come and talk about himself and his company.. etc.

Maybe a movie day? Or a game day?

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